Visit of His Grace Bishop Maximos of Meletine

Dear Faithful of Lampeter Orthodox Church,

Our parish will be honoured to receive a visit from His Grace Bishop Maximos on the 18th/19th November.

Divine Liturgy will be served in Lampeter on Sunday the 19th with the Bishop.

The Liturgy will followed by a meal which will take place at the University in Lampeter.

There will be a delicious range of food available catering to all tastes/needs, wine, soft drinks, teas coffees etc all included. 

We will ask a minimum donation for the cost of the food and wine of £20.00 for those 18yrs+ (if your donation could exceed this, the excess will contribute to those who have limited means). Please contact me to confirm if you wish to attend.

This is an excellent opportunity to meet the Bishop and we hope as many members of our parish as possible will be able to come.

Arrival of Bishop at Church.      10.00hrs
Hours                                        10.00hrs – 10.30hrs
Divine Liturgy.                           10.30hrs – 12.15hrs

Lunch Reception                       13.15hrs – 16.15hrs
Departure of Bishop.                 15.45hrs

In Christ

Tim Stowe

Parish Chairman


Pilgrimage to Llanilltud Fawr / Llantwit Major

Pilgrimage to Llanilltud Fawr / Llantwit Major

Our pilgrimage to Llanilltud Fawr / Llantwit Major organised by Fr Nicholas of the  Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Nicholas, Cardiff. 

St Illtud’s Church, a cradle of Christianity in Wales, former site of St Illtud’s monastery and school of learning for many saints of the age.

O Illtud the wise and most learned of men
you trained many disciples to be holy and Christ-like.
Such men and women are needed as never before.
Pray continue your intercession for us all




Saturday 30 September 2023

Llanilltud Fawr / Llantwit Major

St Illtud (c.475-c.525) was a Celtic saint, venerated as one of the founders of monasticism in Britain and abbot of a famous school of learning at Llanilltud Fawr in Glamorgan where Gildas, St Paul Aurelian and St David may have studied. The monastery flourished until the time of the Norman invasion.

With our friends from the parish of St Nicholas, Cardiff, we are making a pilgrimage to the 13th century church which is on the site of Illtud’s monastery.

Divine Liturgy will be at 11.00 am followed by a Paraklesis to St Illtud. The church is in the centre of the village (CF61 1WG) and near the railway station of Llantwit Major.